My New Business Card Design

Hi, after a long time posting a new post , I know i know you guys excited to see my new business card design, Yes this is my new business card design. About Idea Before making my vcard, i searched lots of vcard designs, wasted lots of time to search new business card design. Got lots of idea from there, but not able to implement on my design, after doing long experiment sudden on my mind strikes and got idea to put my own picture and I did that. In one shot I opened my famous promoted image and placed on my business card design, little played with that and finally i came to this, and after that taking few reviews (good n bad both )decided to print business card with my photo. Many of my friends and colleagues said that "Mukund this is a great idea. Go with it only !!" and other few friends putting own images is not good idea at all, they given own views on my design and i appreciated that, but finally i decided to go with my photo business card. Reasons for giving own ...